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Keeping the Collective Fixed On Astrology

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Astrology is the study of the patterns the planets in our galaxy make, and finding how these relate to all things in our reality. It is the decoding of the timeless pulse of the Universe.



A horoscope is the interpretation of the planetary positions and how these can affect life on an emotional, intellectual, creative, and physical level. Often used in making accurate predictions for the future.


Personal Readings

Personal readings are channeled from your planetary placements at birth. This is called your Natal Chart. These readings tell you your soul's purpose, and highlight areas of growth it is destined to make in this life.


Video Horoscopes.


Daily Astrology Horoscope.


About Me

Like so many of us, I spent the early stages of my life attempting to navigate this physical reality, by experiencing as much as I could, while pursuing as much pleasure as possible along the way. Towards the end of my 29th year, things began to change in my life, as I became a father and started to work through many stages of learning and growth. The proverbial "spiritual awakening" had arrived swiftly and was in actuality more of a "remembering."

The journey I had embarked upon, led me to seek deeper metaphysical truths and as doors kept opening, it became apparent that I was not being guided by my own curiosity, but by a higher power - by my guides and most importantly, by God. The more I looked, the clearer the evidence that nothing was a "coincidence" any longer.

I was led to divine practices such as Astrology, Tarot, Magick, and Hermetics. Astrology is where I instantly felt an intense connection to the Universe. A connection that echoed to my childhood, where as a kid I was always looking up at the moon and the stars in wonder. I remember vividly one of my first projects in school was making a mobile of the solar system that I left hanging in my bedroom, until it eventually fell apart as I grew up.

Coming back to the energy of the planets in the Universe through daily horoscopes and chart readings for clients, it became very clear that Astrology is my passion and life’s path.

Since finding this beautiful channel to Source, I have been nothing less than Fixed on the Astrology. Many questions can be answered by looking to the planets, as we all have a unique journey here, and our birth charts are evidence of that.

As with the Natal chart, I am particularly fascinated by the planetary transits that affect the collective as a whole. My Horoscopes are purposed to give insight into the overall collective energy and help you to use that information for your own personal empowerment, and sovereignty. My goal is to help you see that your journey and your truth need not remain hidden from you. You are engraved with all the tools you need to succeed in this life, and it would be my pleasure to help you find these resources that lie within.

I truly love you all, and I am here to serve you, and keep you Fixed On The Astrology as well, always with a hermetic mind and an open heart.


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